Step three: Nurture positivity!


Developing grit is not an easy work. There are many obstacles along the way. A very big one is: negativity. 

It is important that you teach your child (use it yourself too) this: 

1 Don't get dragged down by negative people! They are negative because of their own issues and problems, not because of you. 

2 Minimize or stop contact with negative people. They drain your energy and you can't actually help then nor can you change them. 

3 Visualize achieving your goal! Visualize not only by seeing but by feeling it too! 

4 Help your child overcome setbacks by explaining that they are natural and happen to everyone. They are the opportunity to learn and also to look back and see how far they have come. Help them to understand they have everything they need to succeed and that they have learned a lot, looking back from the start. 

Many children in primary school, when asked, don't have any idea what they are interested in. They can't even answer simple questions such as: what makes you happy, what do you enjoy doing, on what activity do you spend most of your free time.. But these questions aren't simple if you don't take time to actually think about them.  

What does it mean 'take time'? How can a child 'take time'? Now, that's a good question! You can help yor child to unplug from the crazy world around him/her by talking to him/her or do simple meditations or visualizations. More on that topic next time!


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